It's a date!

It's a day after Valentines. So how did you spend your Valentines yesterday? Some of you might have gone to a date with your spouse, partner, friends or family. Some may have just gone to sleep. Some chose to celebrate, others chose to keep it a simple like an ordinary day.

We all have our own preference. I am not really a 'Valentines Day' fan, but I celebrate it in my little own ways. My boyfriend and I decided to keep it 'simple'. No flowers, no cakes. We decided to eat out and found ourselves queuing as it seemed like all restaurants were very crowded.

We had dinner at Hot tomato grill and ordered our all time favorite mixed grill - a combination of grilled pork and chicken, sausage and pasta. I truly enjoyed the night. We just spent our time laughing and thanking each other for the friendship and love we both enjoy.

Hope you had fun yesterday. In whatever way you celebrated it, I wish you enjoyed it. Life is a choice. :)

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